Capital And Endowment Funds

Capital Funds

Houston Quran Academy is the premier Islamic K-12 accredited institution in Houston, where we seamlessly integrate academic excellence with Quran memorization and understanding in a distinctive manner. As the top private Islamic school in Houston, we take pride in offering a nurturing environment that fosters both spiritual growth and academic achievement. At Houston Quran Academy, we are committed to providing a holistic education that empowers students with a strong foundation in both secular knowledge and Islamic values. Join us on this enriching journey of learning and discovery, where tradition meets innovation, and every student is encouraged to reach their full potential.

Endowment Funds

Endowment funds play a crucial role in ensuring the long-term financial sustainability of an institution. When donors contribute to an endowment, they establish a permanent source of income that can be invested. The returns from these investments provide ongoing financial support, helping to maintain the institution’s stability and expand its programs. This steady stream of income can be directed toward various initiatives, such as scholarships, faculty support, research, and more. Donors who invest in the endowment are essentially creating a legacy that continues to benefit the institution for generations to come.

We are in the process of forming an endowment board to establish endowment funds by next year. Please contact the Principal’s office at (281) 717-4622 for further questions.