
Benefits Of Sponsorship & Partnership

Sponsorship or partnership for the Houston Quran Academy can offer a wide range of benefits to both the sponsors/partners and the institution:

1. Community Engagement: Sponsors and partners can actively engage with the local Muslim community, fostering a sense of belonging and support.

  1. Marketing Exposure Sponsors and partners can benefit from exposure through the school’s marketing and promotional activities, reaching a targeted audience.
  1. Educational Excellence: Supporting the school will help ensure a high standard of education, contributing to the development of well-rounded individuals.
  1. Philanthropic Satisfaction: Supporting education is inherently rewarding and can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose.
  1. Spiritual Growth: Sponsors and partners can take pride in contributing to the spiritual growth and character development of students, fostering a strong foundation in faith.
  1. Long-term Impact: Contributions to an educational institution like the Houston Quran Academy have a lasting impact on individuals and the community, leaving a legacy of knowledge.
  1. Positive Public Image: Sponsoring HQA aligns sponsors and partners with a community-oriented and educational institution, significantly enhancing their public image in a positive way.
    1. Strengthening Community Bonds: Sponsors and partners become integral members of a supportive community, helping to create a tight-knit network.
  1. Networking Opportunities: Sponsors and partners can connect with like-minded individuals and organizations within the community, potentially leading to valuable connections. 
  1. Contribution to Society: By supporting an educational institution, sponsors and partners play a vital role in shaping the future of the community and society at large, contributing to a more educated and enlightened population.
  1. Tax Benefits: Depending on the location and tax regulations, there may be tax benefits associated with charitable contributions and sponsorships.
  1. Interfaith Dialogue: Sponsors may be seen as advocates for interfaith understanding and dialogue, helping to build bridges between different religious communities.

Sponsorship Tiers and specific benefits

Platinum- Title Sponsorship:
The highest level of sponsorship, where a company’s name is prominently featured in the event’s title. This sponsor typically enjoys the most visibility and recognition.
Speaking engagement and introduction of their brand to the audience for 5 minutes.

    Gold Sponsor:

    Premium sponsor:

Silver sponsor:

Promotional Materials:

Giveaways and Coupons:

Sponsor Banner Ads:

Speaking engagement and introduction of their brand to the audience for 3 minutes

Speaking engagement and introduction of their brand to the audience for 2 minutes

Company logo on school campaign website

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, sponsors will also have the opportunity to enjoy special reserved tables, space for displaying promotional materials and freebies, as well as links to their social media profiles and websites on our event website.

Increase booth traffic and conveniently collect visitor info

Continuously highlight sponsors throughout the event

    Gold Sponsor:

Speaking engagement and introduction of their brand to the audience for 3 minutes

    Premium sponsor:

Speaking engagement and introduction of their brand to the audience for 2 minutes

Silver sponsor:

Company’s logo on the school campaign website

Promotional Materials:

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, sponsors will also have the opportunity to enjoy special reserved tables, space for displaying promotional materials and freebies, as well as links to their social media profiles and websites on our event website.

Giveaways and Coupons:

Increase booth traffic and conveniently collect visitor info

Sponsor Banner Ads:

Continuously highlight sponsors throughout the event

Our Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor ($30,000)

Company Description

https://www.Company website link

Gold Sponsor ($15,000)

Genuine leather personal carriers and pet backpacks


Premium Sponsor ($10,000)


Silver Sponsor ($3,000)

Interested in Becoming our Next Sponsor?

Contact Info for Sponsorship and Partnership

Campaign Oversight Committee Head
Dr. Obaid Ullah